Saturday, May 27, 2023

How to Have a Spa Day at Home?

You can have a spa day at home by using items that you have in your kitchen for your hair mask, face mask, and hand mask. Begin by finding time to schedule a spa day. Spa days are one way to do self-care and relax at home. You can use essential oils and Epsom salts to wash your feet before doing a pedicure at home. Additionally, you can use apple cider vinegar or baby shampoo to wash your feet. 

Make your spa day at home without purchasing expensive items but make sure you use the items that same day. You can use yogurt, cucumbers, eggs, oatmeal, sugar, honey, and other ingredients for your hand and face masks. After you make your mask, apply it slowly onto your face and hands. Leave it on for about ten minutes depending on what ingredients you use. For example, you can slice tiny pieces of cucumbers and mix them with yogurt or yogurt mixed with turmeric. 

However, if you have sensitive or itchy skin, you can use oatmeal, eggs, and honey mixed for your face and hand masks. Leave it on for approximately ten minutes before rinsing it. Next, you can make your relaxing drinks with water or with seltzer water with vegetables and fruits. For example, seltzer water was used with slices of cucumber and lemon. Drink slowly and breathe slowly while you taste your drink.

Face masks and hair masks are easy to make. But make sure you are not allergic to the kitchen ingredients that you use for your face and hand mask. Assess your mask on a small section of your wrist to make sure you are not allergic to the food ingredients. Apply the face mask and hand mask in your kitchen. Sit down and enjoy listening to the nature sounds. 

After rinsing your face mask and hand masks, you can also make a sandwich with olives and pickles. For example, you can make a hard-boiled egg salad with tomatoes and onions with mayonnaise. Add a little bit of pepper or salt to the egg salad. After that toast bread and spread the egg salad on the toasted bread. Then add pickles and olives on the side with the egg sandwich. 

You can make vegetable sandwiches as another spa day sandwich. Nonetheless, take your time and do not rush. Give yourself two hours to do self-care and a spa day at home. Play your favorite music or nature sounds while you make your face masks and hand masks. Avoid checking your text messages, e-mails, or social media for those two hours. 

Clean your nails. Paint your nails with nail polish. Wait for your nails to dry. Apply lotion or oils on your hands. Insert washable gloves into your hands and let the oils or lotion moisturize your hands.

If you want to make a hair mask, you can use olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, or any other oil for your hair needs. Depending on your hair type, you can use avocado oil with egg whites, or olive oil with egg whites to make your hair look glossy. For example, if you have oily hair, you can use egg whites with lemon on damp hair. Leave it on for ten minutes or fifteen minutes before rinsing your hair. Wash your hair with shampoo and let it air dry. 

If you have frizzy hair, you can use castor oil with olive oil. After using a hair mask rinse, it out and wash your hair with shampoo. Eggs and olive oil can also be used on curly hair but make sure you apply it to dry hair and a shower cap. A shower cap can also be used for thin hair, thick hair, or wavy hair to keep your egg mask from dripping on the kitchen floor. After doing the hair mask, you can take a bath or a shower. 

End your spa day by applying lotion or oils after your shower. Wear a comfortable robe or comfortable loungewear. Write in your journal or read a short story before starting your daily tasks. A spa day can also be done in the evening a few hours before going to sleep. Here are websites about doing a spa day at home. 


6 Steps to a DIY Spa Day-Young Living Blog:

6 steps to a DIY spa day | Young Living Blog

9 DIY Face Mask Recipes to Make Your Skin Glow-SELF:

9 DIY Face Mask Recipes to Make Your Skin Glow | SELF

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