Saturday, May 20, 2023

International Tea Day

On May 21st, you can celebrate International Tea Day. The United Nations celebrated International Tea Day for the first time on May 21, 2020. Tea is beneficial for the immune system, it has antioxidants and may reduce cardiovascular issues. It may help with weight loss and protect the bones including your teeth. Also, it helps improve your digestive system.

Any selection of tea flavors is beneficial for your health. Instead of adding sugar, you can add cinnamon, lemon slices, orange slices, or a little bit of honey if you want to avoid consuming too much sugar. Additionally, you can add milk to your tea. Hot tea and cold iced tea provide health benefits for your body and your mind. Consuming tea can make you feel better and improves your mood.

You can celebrate International Tea Day by making your cold iced tea and adding orange slices or lemon slices. Then add ice to your tea. Drink it slowly with a straw or without a straw. Iced tea is so popular, especially during the hot summer months. Also, add lemonade and iced tea together to create an infusion of flavors.

Share your favorite tea with your friends and family. Read and research tea. Learn where your tea comes from and taste a variety of teas. Practice doing your tea ceremony at home. Tea ceremonies can also be done before a wedding or during a wedding reception. 

Another way to celebrate is by thanking the people that produce tea. International Tea Day also brings awareness of purchasing sustainable tea and thanking the producers of tea. It is recommended to use loose-leaf tea with a tea infuser or sustainable tea bags that are eco-friendly for the environment. If you purchase tea at your local café, you can use a reusable cup for your iced tea or hot tea. Here are websites about International Tea Day.


Tea Day-UN:

International Tea Day:

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