Saturday, May 13, 2023

National Wear Purple for Peace Day

Every year on May 16th, it is National Wear Purple Day. This day is to bring peace and to be at peace with everyone. Also, to be at peace with yourself. You can practice meditating for peaceful thoughts for yourself and others. Light a candle or use a battery-operated candle to be silent for a few minutes. 

Peace is a feeling that is always strived for but sometimes taken for granted. Take your time to feel peace in your garden, at home, or work. Slow down to appreciate the silence. Relax your body and mind on this day while focusing on peaceful things. Repeat the words, "I am in Peace" and breathe slowly. Wear purple on this day by wearing a purple bracelet, ribbon, or shirt to bring awareness for peace. 

Practice mindfulness and concentrate on doing things peacefully. Find a place where you feel at peace in your home. Self-reflect and give thanks for that hour of peace. Listen to instrumental music, chimes, water sounds, or other nature sounds to relax. Remain in silence while you observe your garden or any room in your home. 

Additionally, peace can be achieved by being self-aware of what you do and how others feel when they are near you. Connect your thoughts with your mind. Then connect those same thoughts with your heart. Focus on peace. Allow yourself to feel peace for a few moments and let go of negativity. 

Practice self-care for your hour of peace. Decorate your meditation room with a few purple items. The more inner peace you have, you will be able to remain calm during tough times. Here are websites about meditating for peace. Happy National Wear Purple for Peace Day!

Meditation for You-Turbulence Tranquility:

Guided Meditation- Deep Peaceful Calm Sleep:

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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