Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Preventing Suicide & Tips for Parents

Being a teenager is tough these days. There are so many frustrations, struggles, and confusion. But the hardest part is managing your emotions when a friend in high school dies because of suicide. There are no words to describe how a teenager feels and it is important to seek therapy. Grief counseling may seem like a waste of time to them, but it is necessary to express those feelings with a counselor.

Self-harming, depression, addictions, alcohol and substance abuse, bullying, and other issues are challenging for a teenager to confront alone. However, these factors must be addressed to prevent suicide. There are warning signs that make you aware as a parent about your child contemplating suicide. Withdrawing from their friends, family, and acquaintances. Giving away their favorite items, money, and other materials. 

Changes in behavior and spending too much time alone in the bedroom. Asking too many questions about death. Also, writing and reading about death. Wearing baggy and long sleeves to hide their arms, especially during the hot weather season is another warning sign. Telling their peers, they will join their relatives and friends that have passed away. 

Furthermore, a teenager feels hopeless and loses their motive to live. Do not give advice but listen to them. Do not leave them alone. Give them your full attention without interrupting them. Call the 988 Lifeline number.

A teenager who has self-harmed himself or herself before is at a substantial risk of suicide. Additionally, a teenager who has experienced a traumatic event, child abuse, rape, or a bad toxic dating experience is also at elevated risk. Moreover, it is crucial to prevent suicide by having conversations with your teenager. Do not make it as a lecture. Communicate with your teenagers and let them speak. 

Suicide among teens may be prevented by listening more and decoding a teenager's slang language. Being there for them and helping them to boost their self-esteem or self-confidence. Take care of their mental health by doing hobbies that motivate them. Seek medical and professional help for them immediately. Here are websites for parents and more tips to prevent suicide.

Ten Things Parents Can Do To Prevent Suicide:

Teens and Suicide-What Parents Should Know:

988 Lifeline Organization:

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