How to Encourage and Inspire Your Husband?

After being married for so many years, there comes a time in the marriage when the husband loses his job. Often men are silent and feel sad without expressing it. A loss of self-confidence occurs and makes them feel like a failure to their wife. As well as not feeling good enough for the family. This also makes the wife feel frustrated. 

However, this frustration when expressed can make him feel worse. Do not make pessimistic comments to your partner. Additionally nagging your partner makes it tougher for them to express how they feel. Furthermore, making bad job jokes can make it worse. Therefore, one must think about their feelings to make them feel motivated. 

Besides losing a job, a man loses his self-esteem and thinks he is a failure in everything. A man can also be silent when he feels it is best to stay quiet instead of confronting the issues. Health issues can also make him feel embarrassed to discuss with his wife. Other times a man might feel like a failure if he has less self-confidence in his self-image. If he feels and senses that his wife is not satisfied with their family home life, finances, and sexual intimacy; It makes him be disappointed and feel dissatisfaction. 

As a wife, it might feel uncomfortable and not knowing how to motivate your husband. Sometimes your partner might not need advice. Other times your husband might want advice but not from his wife. Therefore, instead of giving advice, tell your husband and show him how much you appreciate him. Only give advice or your opinions if he asks you. 

Be cautious if your husband is angry and does not want physical intimacy with you. Dealing with emotional pain and sadness can make your partner feel distant. Often giving him space might help at the beginning especially if he is mentally problem solving to get a new job or a health issue. However, as a wife you might need to stop blaming him if there is no sexual intimacy in the relationship. Do not blame yourself either. 

Understand your husband by listening to him and without interrupting him. Make your room a comfortable place for him to speak to you. Communicate your feelings, thoughts, and desires with respect. Do not bring up the subject of losing the job but be a supportive friend to him. Speak calmly without raising your voice.

Do not bring up past mistakes and comparisons in the conversation. Encourage him and support him by listening. Ask him questions but not in a rush. Hold your partner's hand if he permits it and observe his body language. Inspire him to feel self-confident, successful, and without having expectations. 

If he believes he is a failure due to perfectionism, it can be tougher to make him feel better. Nevertheless, do not make him feel embarrassed or feel rejected by you. Get closer to your husband and do activities together. Make mistakes together, laugh, and feel joyful together. Let him know it is all right to make mistakes and accept him for who he is. 

Show appreciation by making him a meal, spending time alone as a couple, expressing gratitude, and asking for his help at home. Make an inspirational journal so he can read it without feeling embarrassed. Practice self-care together and reduce stress by doing fun activities to make him feel better. Seek professional medical help if he gets depression, self-harms himself, or there is no physical intimacy. Here are resources about encouraging, supporting, and inspiring your husband. 


25 Ways to Motivate Your Husband:

25 Ways to Motivate Your Husband

How to be a Supportive Partner When Life is Stressful:

How to be a Supportive Partner When Life is Stressful

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