Friday, December 2, 2022

Addictions and Relationships

Addictions put a strain on relationships. When a partner is addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex, social media, or other addictions; It becomes a worrisome dilemma. A person with an addiction has a hard time quitting which makes it tough to understand it. Also, if a partner easily influences their partner to smoke, take drugs, or drink too much alcohol; this can lead to many problems in the relationship. Relationships get ruined due to distance, changes in behavior, and other emotional issues. 

In some cases, the family can not intervene in the relationship unless someone is in danger or their child. It is a problematic situation to be in without knowing the consequences. A person with addiction becomes too anxious, depressed, compulsive, and may be delusional. Other times he or she has excessive thoughts, an obsession, and thoughts of hurting themselves. Sometimes he or she might convince their partner to try alcohol, smoke, or do other addictions as a way to cope with their pain. 

Also, he or she denies that they have an addiction problem. Some addictions are hidden from their partner which makes them harder to detect. Other times the addictions lead to intimate issues, communication problems, and financial issues. Often there will be an excuse for having alcohol, drugs, substances, and a dependence on sex. It gets complicated to distinguish a sexual addiction from a normal intimate aspect of a relationship. 

Therefore, a person with an addiction must realize the extent of the problem. There is so much a person can endure in a relationship with someone with an addiction. Every so often families get separated due to someone's addiction. Yet some families seek professional help to manage the addiction of a relative. It is important to bounce back into the relationship when a person is recovering from an addiction. 

A person with an addiction needs treatment for their emotions and their behavior. Additionally, a person needs exercise and relaxation activities to manage the withdrawal symptoms. Avoid medications that can be addictive especially if it is used to treat anxiety, depression, or the nervous system. Speak to a medical provider, professional therapists, and psychologists for making a treatment plan. Relationships can be repaired if their partner accompanies them and learns more about helping them eliminate their addictions. 

If you are in this situation, make sure your partner accepts his or her addiction problem. Investigate your partner's addiction to find the right treatments and heal your relationship. Make sure he or she wants to give up their addictions to save the relationship. It takes a lot of time and patience to understand your partner's addictions. Do not attempt to recover your relationship without professional help. 

Give your partner emotional support. Do not make him or her feel worse about themselves because of the addiction. Keep in mind there might be setbacks during the recovery process. Do not leave your partner alone with his or her addiction recovery. Here are websites with more information about addictions. 

What to Expect When You are in a Relationship with a Drug Addict:

Sex Addiction and Relationships: 

Addictions and Relationships-Relationship Recovery is Critical to Addiction Recovery:

Long Island Treatment Centers-Resources:


* Fonts, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Maker and Editor 

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