Monday, December 19, 2022

National Write a Friend Month 2022


Every December is National Write a Friend Month. This month is designated for writing letters, cards, and notes to your friends. The art of writing and folding paper messages to friends can be a great way to strengthen your friendships. It may also help to repair and forgive old friendships. Even if you do not recover your old friendships, you can find closure by writing a letter without mailing it. 

Writing has therapeutic effects to find the emotional healing you need. It can be discouraging and lonesome to lose a long-lasting friendship. However, keeping and maintaining friendships is an everyday struggle. Therefore, stay in contact with all of your friends by text messaging, telephone calls, and handwritten messages. Write to a friend throughout December and the rest of the months. 

If for some reason, your friend does not want your friendship, try to move on to find the friendship you need. Sometimes, a person does not want a friendship out of fear, stubbornness, insecurities, or other reasons. Often those reasons are out of your control and it hurts to lose a long friendship. Yet, it is nice to meet and find new friendships for your emotional support. Show your appreciation by sending a grateful letter, card, or note to your friend during the holidays. 

The holidays are lonely, busy, and overwhelming. But a personal message to a friend can make them feel accepted, respected, and cherished. Take your time to write a meaningful and grateful letter. You do not need to be an expert in folding handwritten letters. Do not worry about your penmanship. 

Your friend will like the gesture of a handwritten message any time of the year. A true friend will never leave your side. He or she will always make you feel comfortable and support you in every aspect of your life. A friend must not make you feel less than, needless, and so confused. Here are websites about write a friend month. 

Write to a Friend Month-Weekend Notes:

December is Write a Friend a Letter Month:

* Fonts and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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