Break Free From Emotional Pain & Release It (Wellness Month 2024)

Courtesy Pexels Photo by Vlada Karpovich

Although you cannot free yourself from emotional pain, it is necessary to let go and release negative emotions. Often it is tough to release emotions as a man due to childhood experiences and not being taught how to let go of those emotions in a healthy manner. Additionally, being afraid of releasing those emotions in front of a woman, in front of the family, and in front of other men can put a strain in a man’s state of mind. However, by doing this it makes it easier to consume alcohol, substances, and do other activities that can be harmful to one’s health. Overloading their workload, spending less time with their wife and family, and feeling disconnected with everyone can also make a man have an addiction.

Yet not every man does these things, but it is essential to be aware of their mental wellbeing. As a woman it is fundamental to know and understand your partner’s body language, cultural expectations, cultural knowledge, and to pay attention to their conversations with you. Observe how your partner changes their tone of voice, their facial expressions, and what they are trying to tell you in their conversations with you. Anxiety, stress, impulsive actions, harmful habits, and not expressing their emotions can make your partner feel worse. However, being there for your partner and having time for them is one way for your partner to release their emotions.

Together you can do physical activities to release those negative emotions such as meditating through movement meditation, yoga, tai-chi, or mindfulness activities. Also, let your partner cook a meal for you and for your family once or twice a week while listening to music. Give your partner some time to read by himself or to read to you before going to sleep. Do something nice for your partner, give him a massage, words of encouragement, or a surprise hug. Create a safe area, a unique room for your partner, or a stress-relief room for both of you.

Let your partner know that is all right to ask for help. Practice body scan meditation while you meditate together. Your partner can say aloud the sensations that they are feeling such as a nervous tick, body heat, a tight throat, stomach pain, or the need to yawn. Sitting down in silence without distractions while watching your body relax. Focus on your breathing, your thoughts, and letting go of negative emotions. 

Imagine being in a beautiful landscape, forest, beach, snowy area, or anywhere you feel relaxed. Lying down on a comfortable bed, sofa, or a recliner to close your eyes and think calmly about releasing body tension. Visualize yourself floating on the swimming pool or walking to a breath-taking sight and continue practicing breathing techniques. Relax your feet, your legs, your stomach, your back, your hands, and your arms by stretching your body slowly. Notice if you get sleepy, hungry, or cranky while practicing body scan meditation. 

Take it easy and do not force yourself to release unexpressed emotions. Emotional and painful distress can make you feel distant, disconnected, and uncomfortable. As well as unexpected, unexplainable, and discomfort when having tough conversations with your partner. Furthermore, not expressing emotions is a form of self-protection. As a woman it can also be difficult to release unexpressed emotions due to shock, turmoil, abuse, and traumatic events. 

However, suppressing emotions can make a woman to overeating, eating less, consuming alcohol and substances, and doing harmful activities that damages one's health. Although not every woman does these things, addictions occur by escaping negative emotions and finding a replacement for avoiding them. Therefore, getting treatment for addictions and finding ways to express your emotions in a healthy manner. Understand yourself and be patient. Be respectful and understand your partner if they are avoiding expressing their negative emotions. 

As well as identifying sadness, anger, fear, resentment, guilt, or other negative emotions through journaling. Let go of emotional pain and practice self-nurturing through meditation. Imagine a shape on your mind such as a triangle, a square, a diamond, a star, a circle, or a trapezoid. Then breathe and hold your breath for four seconds. Exhale for four seconds while visualizing the shape and journaling. 

Draw many shapes and assign it to a negative emotion. Continue breathing techniques while journaling your emotions without feeling pressured. Cross out the words on your journal as you exhale. On one side of the journal, make a bullet list of negative emotions that you have a tough time letting go. Breaking free from emotional pain and releasing it can help you reduce fear of expressing yourself. 

Gratitude meditation, movement meditation, walking meditation, mindfulness and meditation are necessary tools for your daily self-care regimen. Keep in mind that you and your partner might still have hidden and unexpressed emotions that cannot be released. It might be due to denial and pretending it does not bother you. Nevertheless, emotional distress can help you understand and realize what you want. Seek professional guidance to release your emotional distress for your well-being. 

Do not neglect or avoid your negative emotions. Accept your negative emotions without blaming or feeling shameful. Learn to express your emotions calmly, clearly, and by practicing patience with yourself. Be respectful to yourself and towards your partner when you are revealing your negative emotions to them. Moreover, create a safe area to improve your mood and do not let your job stress hurt your relationship with your partner. 

Make a paper flower wheel and spin the flower wheel each time you exhale. Blow bubbles with a bubble wand while doing breathing exercises. Say mantras, practice mudras, and affirmations while practicing body scan meditation. Practice being in silence and seeing nature's beauty without looking at your cellphone for a time. Here are resources for releasing emotional pain and managing physical pain through meditation. 

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