Preventing and Stopping Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying can occur at any time, and it makes anyone feel uncomfortable, stressed-out, and feel awful about themselves. As more people experience bullying, it creates more employees getting sick, quietly leaving their jobs, and less work productivity. However, approximately twenty percent of people have witnessed a situation of another employee who was being bullied. Yet not everyone reports workplace bullying, especially if the employee is being bullied by their boss. Workplace bullying continues to increase every year, and it affects everyone no matter what job position you have.

The cases that go unreported are often due to fear of losing their job, the fear of what other employers might say, and the fear of the harm and harassment that can continue while being in the job. Furthermore, if the bullying is constantly done by your boss, it is best to report it to Human Resources and get a lawyer if needed. Additionally, do not be afraid due to intimidation, anger, the blame, and the authority that your boss might have in the workplace. Moreover, if your boss does gaslighting, manipulates, and makes you feel bad about yourself; Always report it because these types of approaches are harmful for your health and self-esteem. Do not feel it is your fault for their toxic behavior. 

Bullying in the workplace can occur in many forms. Sometimes it is noticeable and other times it can gradually build up in the company, institution, organization. Unfortunately, some forms of bullying come in the form of sexual harassment, discrimination, and can be subtle. Some of the signs of workplace bullying are threats, offensive jokes, withholding information, too elevated expectations, and excluding employees in business meetings. As well as having disapproval, making an employee feel less intelligent, and blaming them for someone else's behavior or actions.

Controlling employees and restricting them from working is another sign. Being distrustful, using surveillance systems, and hiding electronic devices to record employees, and invading an employee's privacy are motives for them to do bullying. As well as underpaying and withholding payments as a motive to continue harassing employees. Other signs of bullying can be unnoticeable. For example, if your boss is always demanding you to do job tasks, pretending they care, and offer advice; You might not notice the hidden signs of being bullied in the workplace or the verbal abuse signs. 

Additionally laughing in front of an employee makes them feel worse, uncomfortable, and unmotivated at work. Bad comments, yelling, and speaking to an employee with so much anger. Yet, workplace bullying can also make anyone to make sexual comments, sexual advances, and make the employee feel more intimidation. The symptoms of an employee who is being bullied is depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia, getting sick often, and not having the motivation to go to work. Nonetheless, workplace bullying can be prevented and stopped. 

Begin by remaining calm. Do not participate in making offensive jokes because they create more tension for you. Another tip is not to yell at them because they are yelling at you with anger. Be respectful, quiet, smile, ignore, walk away, and limit your contact with them. Maintain your distance if it is possible. 

If your boss is always behind you, always looking over your shoulder, and making you feel nervous with their pessimistic comments towards you; Remain calm and report it to HR before leaving the workplace. Do not apologize or make excuses for their bad decisions, bad behavior, and for their actions. Nevertheless, if your boss is constantly bullying, discriminating, and discouraging you; It is recommended to leave your job as soon as possible. Seek professional group support and take care of your mental wellbeing. Before leaving your job, document the bullying, get a lawyer, save written emails of the harassment, and make screenshots of the text messages. 

Document their facial expressions, inappropriate hand gestures, inappropriate touching, and everything that you can remember. Write it in the form of a list and as a letter to show to Human Resources. If you have witnesses about the bullying situations, add their names and telephone numbers. Ask their permission to add them to your documentation. Go together to HR to report the bullying immediately. 

Save inappropriate gifts as evidence. Make police reports if they damaged your car, harm you physically, and any other form of vandalism. If they continue bullying you after you have left your job, seek a restraining order and professional help from a lawyer. Also be cautious, stay quiet, and do not give out information to anyone regarding your report about the bullying in your workplace. Manage your emotions.

There are many reasons for workplace bullying and many reasons to stop it from damaging your self-esteem. Bullying can occur because of jealousy, resentment, insecurities, lack of workplace skills, lack of workplace experience, and personal issues that affect their ability to work. Furthermore, having doubts about advancing in their job growth, lack of education skills, and overusing their authority as a boss. Despite these reasons, bullying in the workplace can also occur because you remind them of someone. This reminder makes them feel uncomfortable, have low self-esteem, or as a reminder of themselves at a certain age. 

Discrimination can also occur with bullying which can make you feel worse. Bad comments about your age, especially if you have been working in your workplace for more than ten years, are unacceptable. If your boss tells you to treat everyone like your children, to stop being pessimistic, and that it is all your fault; Do not believe them. Some forms of bullying can occur with scapegoating and make you do self-rejection towards yourself. These items can make you feel miserable as well as feel more disappointment as you continue to work in your job. 

Be aware of any signs of harassment, discrimination, and bullying in the workplace. Wear orange for bullying awareness in the workplace. If a harassment class is offered in the workplace, do take the class, and take notes. Even if all employees take a harassment course, keep in mind that bullying can occur. Avoid cultural biases, stereotypes, rolling your eyes, and other gestures that can make anyone feel uncomfortable. 

No matter what the reasons are for being bullied, consult with HR and get a lawyer if HR does not solve the bullying. Do not believe them if they blame you and make you have doubts about your job abilities. Accept that you are being bullied, taken advantage of, and being harassed. Use your voice and help other employees by reporting the bullying and the toxic work environment. Here are websites with more tips regarding workplace bullying. 

Your Complete Guide to Dealing with Workplace Bullies:

Your Complete Guide to Dealing with Workplace Bullies

How to Identify and Handle Workplace Bullying-Business:

How to Identify and Handle Workplace Bullying-Business

Bullying at Work-Help Guide Organization:

Bullying at Work-Help Guide Organization

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