Meditating for the New Year 2025

Meditating on New Year's Eve can be exciting and can make you feel nervous as you wait for the new year to begin. New Year’s Eve can also make you feel sadness especially if you lost a loved one, lost a pet, or ended a friendship that you cherished. Yet, the new year can make you have hope and feel inspired to achieve your dream job or a career change. Additionally, the new year can make you feel nervous especially if you are dating or beginning a new relationship. Nevertheless, you can do activities to help calm your nervousness before or after the New Year begins.

No matter what the reasons are for your nervousness, you can do breathing techniques and count backwards. Inhale and count 100, 99, 98, and exhale 97, 96, 95. Also, you can count backwards and inhale 10, 9, 8. Then, exhale at 7, 6, 5. Another way to count backwards is by dancing to a slow instrumental song.

Drink water or splash water on your face while you practice mindfulness. Mindfulness helps you slow down and be aware. Drinking water slowly can reduce your stress and your anxiety. Also, you can put slices of fruits, mint, rosemary, or sage in your water. Use your senses to help you relax as you drink your flavored water. 

Another suggestion is to practice yoga while you meditate. Before you begin make sure you have a comfortable area with cushions, yoga blocks, rolled towels, and a yoga mat. Next, you can have a yoga session with the following poses that can help you feel relaxed. The first pose is the Sun Salutations. Then, the second pose is the Triangle pose. 

The third pose is the Hero pose. After that you can do the Fish pose. If you need to modify the yoga pose, you can do a Supported Fish pose with rolled towels or yoga blocks placed underneath your shoulder blades. The fourth pose is the Crocodile pose. Then you can do the Child’s pose.

Last, you can do the Sitting pose and meditation for five minutes. Inhale and use a mantra or a chant. Exhale and use a mantra or a chant. Chanting aloud or silently can make you feel peaceful. Nonetheless, always consult with your primary doctor before practicing yoga. 

Walk and sing in your home. Then, walk and hum a tune. After that you can do walking meditation without getting distracted. Pick up dry branches from your garden and remain in silence for five minutes. Depending on the weather, you can continue walking and counting the steps in your mind. 

Sit in a comfortable area or in your room. Visualize a lake, a river, or other natural landscape. Find videos online with natural landscapes and listen to music. Also, find videos of kaleidoscope meditation and focus on the shapes. Then concentrate on the colors.

Imagine being there as you see the landscaping. If you are seeing the kaleidoscope, imagine seeing stained glass windows or gemstones. Remain in silence and continue listening to the sounds or the music from the videos. Then, when the video ends, begin humming or do some stretching exercises. Another way is to close your eyes after seeing the landscaping or the kaleidoscope meditation videos. 

Tai Chi also helps to reduce your anxiety and your nervousness. Practice doing airplane wings pose, deep knee bends, and arm arches. Concentrate on your breathing and practice kicking. As well as waving hands like clouds, balancing on one foot, and pushing hands. Do each pose in slow motion and concentrate on your breathing as you move. 

Tai Chi helps with flexibility and helps you reduce your stress. Meditation can help your nervous system, improve your sleep, and reduce your stress. However, if you continue feeling anxious, have nervous ticks, uncontrollable shaking, or have trouble sleeping; Consult with your primary doctor. Below are resources about yoga poses and guided meditations. Happy New Year, 2025!

A Guided Meditation to Set Your Intentions for the New Year-Mindful:

A Guided Meditation to Set Your Intentions for the New Year-Mindful

Guided Meditation for New Year-Declutter the Mind:

Guided Meditation for New Year-Declutter the Mind

14 Yoga Poses for the New Year-Yoga Basics:

14 Yoga Poses for the New Year-Yoga Basics

* Font, background, and borders from PiZap


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