Tuesday, November 1, 2022

How to Plan Your Meals? (National Diabetes Month 2022)

If you have been recently diagnosed with Diabetes or have been diabetic for many years, you might need some ideas on how to plan your meals. It is important to incorporate a variety of vegetables, proteins, grains, dairy, fruits, and some low-carb meals. Plan your meals for one or two weeks in advance. Always use your leftovers from lunch to be part of your dinner. You can always use the leftovers to make your side dishes for dinner or the next day. 

Many diets can be beneficial for controlling your sugar such as plant-based, low-carb, and meals with fewer calories. You can do the Mediterranean, Dash, and Mind diets using smaller portions. However, you can become a vegetarian or pescatarian while controlling your diabetes. The main factors are to be mindful of your portions, the number of meals, and staying hydrated. Also, knowing the types of foods that raise your sugar and foods that lower your sugar. 

You can consult with your primary doctor for ways to control your sugar and lower your A1C. Never skip breakfast if you are diabetic. If you are not diabetic, skipping breakfast is still not effective for balancing your sugar levels. Read on what types of fruits and vegetables are in season for planning your meals. It is recommended to purchase organic food whenever it is possible. 

Find substitutes for the food items that raise your sugar too much such as pasta, rice, dry fruit, and other comforting food items. It might take you about six months to change your eating habits, taste palette, and your ability in enjoying certain vegetables. Additionally, it will take time to eliminate fried foods or to eat less fried foods. Begin slowly if you want to give up drinking soda and sugary drinks. When planning your meals make sure your drinks have less sugar. 

Check the ingredients on can items, tv dinners, juices, and other items for added sugars. Avoid food items that have a high content of sugar unless your sugar is low. If your healthcare provider offers classes for eating healthier, do not hesitate in taking the classes. Sometimes these classes will provide you with good tips for planning your meals. Carry snacks with you if your sugars tend to get low before lunch or dinner. 

Before eating your lunch or dinner, always check your sugar. Based on the number of your sugar levels, you can decide what to eat. Use plates with dividers or smaller plates for dividing your side dishes. Planning your meals can be useful so you do not eat too much. Here is more information about planning your meals. 

Diabetes Food Hub:

Diabetes Food Hub

The Best 7-Day Diabetes Meal Plan-Eating Well: 

The Best 7-Day Diabetes Meal Plan | EatingWell

7-Day Diabetes Meal Plan-Meals and Planning Methods-Medical News Today:

7-day diabetes meal plan: Meals and planning methods (medicalnewstoday.com)

* Fonts and Collage from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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