Questions & Inspiration for Bloggers

Every year bloggers are asked questions about how to start a blog and how to be inspired to write in a blog. As well as questions on how to find time to write a blog and how you find inspiration in finding topics for your blog. Nonetheless, I have been blogging since April 6, 2017, when I was in college. My blog was a homework assignment for an internet class that I was taking at that time. I always wanted to have a blog, but I did not know how to start one until I took an internet class at my college.

I was inspired to write about meditation, essential oils, and about finding ways to relax. During my research for my homework assignments for my internet class, I started learning about meditation, yoga, tai-chi, and other topics about reducing stress. After I graduated from college, I continued writing in my blog about relaxation techniques and began adding more topics. The other topics that were added were recipes, sewing tutorials, poetry, and other topics that I began interested in learning more about. Besides blogging, I started my career as an administrative assistant at a dental clinic.

I continued writing in my blog as I continued working. The toughest part was finding time to write in my blog as I began working at a dental clinic. My top tip for blogging is practicing time management. Organizing your topics, research, and getting to know your readers. Do not worry about growing your followers although it is nice to have followers for your blog.

Selecting topics might be easy but for some bloggers it can be stressful to find a topic. Sometimes, you might feel inspired by asking your friends what they would like to see you in your blog especially if they know you are a blogger. Another way to find topics is to do research on your main themes that make your entire blog. The next best thing is to make a poll on your social media, read current events, or current research based on your blog topics. Strive to post once per day or every other day to get in the habit of practicing your writing.

Depending on the type of blog that you have, get to know your blog readers. Check your emails if they email you. Additionally, check your direct messages on social media. If your blog readers ask you questions, you can answer their questions in your next blog topic. Add guest blog posts to get a different point of view of the topics that you write about. 

Have a list of favorite bloggers for you to read and to feel motivated to write in your blog. Take breaks from writing your blog topics. Always take notes when you read something interesting online, in a magazine, or in a newspaper. As well as having a list of your favorite topics to write about. Here is a list of questions and tips that I have about being inspired to write in your blog. 

  1. Have a planner, a calendar, and set a reminder to write in your blog. 
  2. Answer questions from your bloggers the way you would answer them yourself. 
  3. What topics do you enjoy doing research on?
  4. What topics do you want to write about?
  5. Do you think your readers would like to read the topic you selected?
  6. Find inspiration with what you see and with your conversations to write in your blog. 
  7. Practice your hobbies and find inspiration in what you do to improve your writing style. 
  8. Have a vision board, a scrapbook, or an image for inspiration for writing in your blog. 
  9. Why do want to write about your selected topic?
  10. Ask your friend to read your blog post before posting it online. 
  11. How do you want to write your blog post so your readers can understand the topic?
  12. Write a weekly list of the topics that you want to cover in your blog. 
  13. Write a monthly list, if possible, of several topics so you can be ready to write. 
  14. Practice self-care and self-improvement as a blogger.
  15. Re-read your blog post, edit, and have fun writing in your blog. 
  16. Find inspiration in movies, television shows, or with your classes for writing in your blog. 
  17. Do not give up and continue writing. 
  18. Keep an open mind when researching current information for your blog posts. 
  19. Write topics that you like and are excited to share on your blog. 
  20. Practice writing without worrying about misspelled words until you are in the editing stage for your blog post. 

Answer questions that you might have regarding a topic. Find inspiration, be motivated, and write topics you want to learn more about. Continue asking yourself questions. If you feel stressed out, stuck in writing, or feel tired; Take a long break or a short break to help you relax. Here are resources about blogging as a beginner. 


How to Start a Blog in 2024-Easy Guide to Create a Blog for Beginners:

How to Start a Blog in 2024-Easy Guide to Create a Blog for Beginners

31 Blog Writing Prompts to Break Your Writer's Block:

31 Blog Writing Prompts to Break Your Writer's Block

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